See & Do in Romania: The Danube Kazan Gorges

See & Do in Romania: The Danube Kazan Gorges

One of the most interesting routes to enter Romania, when coming by car or by motorcycle, is via Serbia. You will travel along the Danube river, seeing both Serbia and Romania. Once you pass the border at the Iron Gates, you should return a little, on the Romanian side of the Danube, and see the spectacular view from this side too.
A team of alpinists carved in stone the 40 meters tall portrait of Decebal, the ruler of the ancient Dacia times (years 87–106). You can see it both from the Serbian shore or closer, on the Romanian side. They say it’s the tallest stone statue in Europe and only few meters smaller than the Statue of Liberty.
The roads on the Romanian side are not the best, you should drive carefully, but the view is worth the trip. There are nice options of accommodation on the Danube shore and old villages on the way that you should enjoy. Follow the road signs to Orsova and Moldova Noua. On the road, between  Eselnita and Dubova, after 25 km from Orsova, you’ll enter the defile. The gorges are named in Romanian “La Cazane”.

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